Doors and windows

Doors And Windows Dispay on Floor Plans

Door and window structures shall be plotted on the fool plan in detail, depending on the scale of the drawing. The display of doors and windows above the 1 m section plane may also be different. This section shows you how to use the following features:
0:00 - scale of doors and windows
1:21 - the line thickness has been scaled
2:34 - the theoretical section plane used in the floor plan

Corner window 2019

Any combination of standard windows can be joined up to form a corner window.

Placing doors

In this video you can learn the basis of placing doors.

Copying and setting door properties

This video helps you understand the basic properties of doors (the same logic applies for windows as well) and how to copy the properties with just one click.

Creating a custom door from a photo

There are many ways to create custom openings in ARCHLine.XP and one of them is when the basis of the new door is a photo. Learn the easiest way to create a custom door in this video.

Creating a custom door from an object

There are many ways to create custom openings in ARCHLine.XP and one of them is when the basis of the new door is a downloaded object.

Creating a custom door with the Door wizard

Using the Door wizard tool of ARCHLine.XP you can create custon doors setting only a few properties.

Creating corner windows

The flexible corner window tool of ARCHLine.XP enable you to easily draw any window shape on the 2D layout and set the properties of both window panels individually.

Creating custom window shapes

If you cannot find the perfect window shape, you can use our handy corner window tool to draw any kind of window shape on the 2D layout. It does not even has to be a corner window!