
Charles Tom - Geographics Information Ltd.

Wall Facade and Wardrobe Design (背牆與衣櫃設計)

Premiere starts at 2021-11-25 08:00

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Country Language Subtitle
Taiwan Chinese English
  • 牆立面設計 
  • 使用瓷磚工具建立具有不同厚度和長條形形狀的特定牆立面造型
  • 衣櫃設計   
  • 使用匯入的衣櫃立面dwg檔案,並使用KBB工具製作抽屜和各種門片與空間分隔。
  • 設置抽屜的“無把手”面板
  • 自訂櫃體各位置的面板
  • 為櫃子和書桌加上檯面.
  • Wall Facade design 
  • Use tile tools to create wall elevations of specific shapes with different thicknesses and long strip shapes
  • Wadrobe Design 
  •  Use the imported wardrobe elevation dwg file, and use KBB tools to create drawers and various doors and space separation.
  • Setting the 'without handle' panel of the drawer.
  • Cabinet and desk design
  • Customize panels in different positions of the cabinet
  • Create countertop for cabinets and desks.