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January 2018

The scene is an interior which is transparent, elegant, and very practical simultaneously. Although the visual tools set the boundaries of the zones clearly, they still merge into the unified and harmonic living space of a family.

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December 2017

The variety of materials and geometric shapes is exciting - it's clean and natural, simultaneously. The feeling of homeliness is enhanced by the cleverly realized personal details, which fit perfectly into the whole of this amazing sight.

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November 2017

The spacial room and the clever choice of materials lets in and merges the outside world with the interior. We can see the continuous synergy with nature in the room's patterns, the accessories, and in the unified and determined mode of expression.

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October 2017

In general, this space is simple and clean - yet the playful matching of the exciting shapes, colors and fabrics turn it into a living, breathing interior. The space separator, made with the combination of opaque glass and wood give out an air of natural softness. The chandelliers and the installation at the end of the corridor rhyme - and so are the materials of the floor pattern and the geometry of the storage facilities hidden in the wall.

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September 2017

The design speaks volumes of the great conceptual thinking skills of the designer. The recurring color patches, which create either visual, or functional symphony in the different rooms boil down to the feel of a modern, harmonic home.

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August 2017

The ideal balance of light and shadow makes this interior full of life. The portrayal of the bright kitchen is very realistic, and emphasizes the details.

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July 2017

A natural feeling lighting with a convincing distribution. The materials and other spatial features, and the background which fits the scene so seamlessly make the visual almost tangbile.

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June 2017

Carefully selected materials and sophisticated taste characterize this interior. The contrast between the black, white, and wooden materials create clean result, while at the same time they make the interior exciting. The small kitchen is made practical and inviting by the storage facilities, which are neately hidden into the surfaces.

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May 2017

The colour of earth in the living room is tastelessly broken by the greenish shades placed here and there. The modern interior is even more exciting due to diverse wall surfaces and creatively selected decorative elements. The chosen style consistently follows the design, creating a harmonious and unique effect.

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March 2017

A vibrant street in very rich details can be seen here. The complementary elements are taking just as much active role as the building block itself. It is worth noticing that details in the near and far distance fill their roles in well balanced way.

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April 2017

The view is characterized by harmonious colours and patterns; objects placed on the opposite wall break the large surface extravagantly and determine the atmosphere of the room. The chosen view reveals the links between space and the rest of the apartment.

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February 2017

The well distributed lighting supports proficiently the application soft fabric in the visual plan: in particular using lampshades beneficial way. Textures and accessories are detailed and give excellent starting point to understand the (near-distant) dimensions of the space.

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January 2017

Bright and clear visual which wisely makes the observer believe that the interior is already occupied. It is very detailed in all aspects of the interior design and this way the final image becomes even more realistic.

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December 2016

The warm walls used in the interior balance the design of the ceiling lamp and the bowl well. The elegant railing on the stairs creates a clean atmosphere. The reduced colours have a calming and homelike effect.

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November 2016

Designer of this month winner image created a dynamic vintage interior. The visual plans reveal a vivid family home, through lots of natural light and green plants. White and pastel colours are well balanced which contribute to countryside ambiance, using natural timbers and other wooden materials further intensify our feeling.

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October 2016

The warm walls used in the interior balance the design of the ceiling lamp and the bowl well. The elegant railing on the stairs creates a clean atmosphere. The reduced colours have a calming and homelike effect.

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September 2016

The designer filled up the visual with life and details through the creative use of materials and lights. All available space have function and the smart solutions make the bathroom look virtually wider and higher.

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August 2016

Bright and straightforward design where all details reflect the characteristics and colours of the chosen style. All the carefully placed decorative items and soft furnishing splendidly support the realism of the visual.

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July 2016

The whole scene is filled up with life through the use of plants in the background and the foreground; it's in perfect balance with the modern, minimalist interior. Crystal clear design and extraordinary details.

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June 2016

Elegant and modern interior rendered from an imposing point of view. There is superb balance in the use of the colours and materials, perfectly matching with the chosen style, thanks to the fine-tuned settings.

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May 2016

Harmonized textures and consistent lightings resulted spectacular and see-through view. The selected display presents the large-scale connection between kitchen and the apartment, encouraging the observer to explore further.

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April 2016

Outstanding, clear yet very much detailed office interior. It gives endless sensation of discovery through its bright and creative solutions.

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March 2016

An excellent, charming and comfortable interior taking advantage of the specialty of the loft space. The soft artificial ligthing supports the characteristics of the natural scattered light in the room perfectly. Materials are detailed and matching the chosen style giving even more depth to the scene.

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February 2016

Extravagant interior with harsher materials and bold use of colours. The high-contrast lighting, the room equipment and furniture are carefully arranged to be symmetrical and vivid patterns break it to fill up the whole visual with life.

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January 2016

All the beautiful colours and matching materials create a charming balance in the visual. The interior looks cozy and comfortable thanks to the selected curtains, the roman blind, the cushions and the other nice and detailed, rounded objects.

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December 2015

Bright and clear scene with detailed textures and accessories which support the final result very well. The size and the position of the furnishing in space is purely distinct - one can slightly sense the connection to the other rooms of the apartment.

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September 2015

The Interior Designer merged the dominant white surfaces with natural materials which reflects even more the purity. This way the nature becomes more palpable behind the extensive glass surfaces. Excellent quality materials and accessories give deepness and explicitly to the whole scene supported by the background above the applied model.

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October 2015

The appearance of the building is very characteristic and modern on the visual. The fine-tuned materials bring details into the final image of the model which is otherwise mainly constructed of large and simple flat surfaces. The splendid connection between the building and its environment deserves extra attention.

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November 2015

The design of the main room in this dwelling is very well matching the chosen style - it is pure and moderate. All the details starting from the fine selection of accessories to the materials support the realism and integrity of the final visual.

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August 2015

Clean shapes and materials appear all around this visual - everything is organized around one solid concept which is supported in all details. The large surfaces and the characteristic design results in an interior that can be explored over and over again from different point of views.

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