Case studies

"Room of the Year 2024" Special Award
Designer: Inez Kósa
Special Award winner of the "Room of the Year 2024" competition by HOMEINFO and LOSZ.
I graduated last year as an interior designer, before that I worked as a home stager.
There were no specific requirements regarding the layout or style in the competition, which posed both ease and difficulty simultaneously. Difficult because it was easy to get lost in the countless options, easier because it gave me the opportunity to create the living room of my dreams.
I gave my project the title " Rustic Minimalism".
In a clean, high-ceilinged space, I attempted to achieve a delicate balance by placing modern and roughly crafted furniture. By incorporating large glass surfaces, I expanded the already spacious living-dining area even further. Additionally, through the use of glass surfaces, the adjacent terrace seamlessly became part of the living space.
In terms of materials, I blended rustic wood with modern concrete, bringing a mix of old and new into the interior.
For my work, I utilized the ARCHLine.XP program, which was generously provided by Cadline Kft. free of charge for the duration of the competition.