New in ARCHLine.XP 2021

We are constantly working to provide our users with tools and knowledge, which make the planning and documentation processes faster and more efficient.

ARCHLine.XP 2021 has been released!
Rendering new presets

The render settings are vital for tuning render output quality.
In ARCHLine.XP 2021 there are new presets for different purpose.
The settings are tuned to the different needs of the outdoor and indoor scenes.

They both have 3 levels:

A01 - Exterior quick render
A02 - Exterior detailed
A03 - Exterior complete
I01 - Interior quick render
I02 - Interior detailed render
I03 - Interior complete


Real-time Elevations & Sections
Even if your models are complex, your sections are done in seconds. Shadows and textures on section help creating cleaner visuals.You can determine how the visual style of your drawings: hidden line to X-Ray and Consistent colour representations.
What's more, you can add 2D lines, hatches and other drawing elements on your sections and elevations.
Wall View Improvements
Create wall views with furniture and dimensions in an instant. Wall views are automatically titled and linked to the room and the wall where they belong.
Rule-based filters
Use rule-based filters to display, select or graphically highlight elements of your project.

Find any geometrical data and BIM parameters in your models, select or visualize with graphic override the result of any rule filter.
Linking IFC, RVT, DWG, PDF files as external reference
Link IFC, RVT, DWG, PDF files with your project to visualize external content for coordination purposes. The files automatically update when you open the project and can be manually updated on demand.The IFC, RVT model is managed as a substructure, providing a graphical representation of the architectural and BIM data of your models.
IFC Classification data
Communicate BIM information in a standardized format using the IFC Classification.

For the AEC industry a classification systems provide the different parties a common understanding of every elements.

ARCHLine.XP is ready to embed any national requirement tables using Excel format in Uniformat, OmniClass, UniClass 2015, etc.
BIM Level of Geometry (LOG)

The LOG in a BIM model is a term used to describe the geometric level of the model.

ARCHLine.XP offers five LOG options ranging from 100 to 400. (100,200,300,350 and 400).

Symbolic - Conceptual model. Displays the existence of elements but not its shape, size, or precise location.
Schematic - Schematic design with approximate size, shape and location.
Detailed - Detailed design with specified size, shape, spacing and location.
Documentation - Construction documentation design with specified size, shape, spacing and location. Parts necessary for coordination of the element with nearby or attached elements are modeled.
Fabrication - Fabrication design. Elements are modeled at sufficient detail and accuracy for fabrication of the represented component. (Note: Currently only partially supported level)

Improved Print Queue

Print queue automatically assembles all your layouts. Just click Publish and you are good to go. The process is fast, even if you have a large number of drawings, views and sheets you want to print.

Insulation layer to beams and columns

The energy/thermal calculation of a building often requires the placement of a thermal insulation layer upon the external surfaces of the structural elements like columns and beams.

Column and beam properties have been extended with the Add Insulation option where you can specify the thickness and material of the insulation.

Working with overlapping objects and 2D fills
Use 2D fills and drawing order to control the appearance of overlapping objects.

Objects can be filled with a solid color or pattern (with foreground and background colors). Draw Order controls the depth range between objects, higher covers the objects with lower order number (1: Top-most, 8: Bottom-most).
Push and Pull for 3D conceptual modelling
Create unique 3D solids, using the Push / Pull tool. Just draw a contour, and extrude the shape you need.

These shapes will be remembered, so even if you change the dimensions of your architectural elements, the custom Push / Pull-created elements will stay.
Schedule with images
Use Schedules with images. Manage drawing items directly from your schedule or vice versa. Schedules can also be visualized in Excel.
Project templates for creating custom office standards
Use project templates to specify the starting environment of your design. The project template contains the default units of measurement, styles, layers, floor and building structure and so on.
Creating wall with automatic tiling

Create walls already equipped with tiling. Tiling layouts update when you insert doors and windows.

You can assign a tiling style separately to the interior and exterior layers of the wall.
In the Tiling Style dialog box, you can specify frames, objects, and tiles or glass panels.