Case studies

Meet Roberto Krieger, specialist in the fields of occupational safety engineering and clinical engineering. Krieger is from Blumenau / SC- Brazil and has been active since 1982. He participated in major projects, such as the implementation of one of the largest theme parks in Latin America, Beto Carreiro World.

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Case Study: Alberto Betti, Omega Solutions

An interview with a Surveyor. Alberto Betti, freelancer and owner of Omega Solutions company, a service that was born from the merger of many years of experience gained in the sector of technical professions, technical-legal consultancy and building construction, together with specialized training in certified courses of high level. Read how they are using ARCHLine.XP.

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Cottage on Patmos / Archilab Studio, Greece

ARCHLine.XP users Lafka Nikoletta and Antonis Kiritsis discuss their latest project, and talk about why they choose ARCHLine.XP for their design practice. Read the full interview here. 

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Case Study: Andreas Brabenec, Switzerland

Andreas Brabenec is an engineer and master builder for architecture, and works on projects in Germany, Austria and the USA, uses the programs ARCHLine.XP Professional and ARCHLine.XP LIVE for his projects.

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Residential Project with ARCHLine.XP


Miklos Elek has been an ARCHLine.XP user since 2018. In this blog post he talks about a project, during which he found himself - along with architect Laszlo Bogar - on the other side of the fence, transforming from being an investor into a designer. This was largely because of the convenient learning curve and favorable price of ARCHLine.XP. 

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Modern kid-friendly family home - Betty Doka

Ms Betty Doka had used hand drawings at the beginning of her career then she met ARCHLine.XP, and she committed herself to computer design ever since then. In this blog she showcases simple and clear interior spaces of a family home which was dreamt for a couple with three kids.

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When Designers Plan Their Own Home Part 2

The task at year's Style & Draw interior design competition was for designers to plan their own homes. Monika Bona, competed with an ARCHLine.XP-made plan, securing 1st place in a team with her husband Gergo Baranyi. Let's see her winning entry.

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When Designers Plan Their Own Home

The task at this year's Style & Draw interior design competition was for designers to plan their very own homes. Krisztina Szilagyine took up the challenge with an ARCHLine.XP-made plan, which resulted in securing 2nd place, and an additional special award from CADLine. Let's hear it from her, how the process went down.

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Why I Switched from Revit and ArchiCAD to ARCHLine.XP

An interview with architect Jakob Judis Sellesbakk from Norway. Learn why he decided to leave his well-known BIM tools behind, and looked for something, which suited his purposes better.

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BIM-benefits for an everyday project

Even if the building is small, several stakeholders need to work together when it's being built. Wannes Malaise, a draftsman from Belgium tells about his experiences using BIM workflow to manage this project, and ease communication with co-designers.

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Office space plans of a Budapest-based IT company

Zsuzsanna Vegvari works for the OFFISEVEN workspace consultancy firm, she plans the remodeling and redesigning of office spaces.  As part of her project below, the office of a Budapest-based IT company had to be reshaped and rethought.

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From First Steps to Renders in Two Weeks

Juraj Keckes (SK) talks about why he choose ARCHLine.XP for his carpentry business, and what he accomplished in the first two weeks of being a user.

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"ARCHLine.XP at the Centre of our Operations"

Shanova Property Renovation Ltd. (UK) focuses on construction project management and realization. Read why they centered all their operation around ARCHLine.XP, and use it for better communication with their clients.

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Home Extension with ARCHLine.XP

Designer Touches (UK) creates projects which are the combination of luxurious style and effortless elegance. Read their story on how they used ARCHLine.XP for their latest task - a home extension project.

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Meet the Architect - Alice Alghisi

Ms. Alice Alghisi (IT) architect, ARCHLine.XP user talks about his work, passion, and what ARCHLine.XP adds to her day-to-day efforts

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Seaside Apartment Blocks in Belgium

Meet Wannes Malaise, a CAD/BIM designer from Belgium, tells us about his experiences on using ARCHLine.XP to design a seaside block of apartments.

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Historical Building Renovation Using CAD

ARCHLine.XP is great at handling historical buildings. See how a historical building's renovation was done using the software. Special thanks to architect Laszlo Farsang.

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Luxury Meets Time-Efficient Design

The saying goes, ‘You know a good thing when you see it’ That can be said of ARCHLine.XP. Listen to Nicholas Sunderland of NS Interiors about how we uses our software for better designer-client communication.

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Meet the Architect - Gabor Scholtz

Gabor Scholtz architect, ARCHLine.XP user talks about his profession and passion - creating the living environment of families. Read his thoughts on the challanges of his profession, and take a look at his gallery of amazing projects.


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Meet the Architect - Daniele De Zordo

Daniele De Zordo architect, ARCHLine.XP user talks about his experiences on using ARCHLine.XP check out his gallery for a taste of his work.

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Family Houses - from Floorplans to Visualization

The article was written by Laszlo Farsang, architect, ARCHLine.XP user. The article was also featured in the Architectural Digest of Hungary

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